Thursday, May 28, 2009

getting started..

hi, it seems terrifying at first when u're starting out but till you actually take the plunge all seems 'phoren' .. i guess that's why i've been delaying it till this auspicious /inauspicous time( actually didn't get to chk with pandit ji!!) hmm, !! next time will start of by doing it by the time- tested way blessings et'al..
and , you know what now that i've started it doesnt seem so bad. life is full of these baby steps and as i've guided my kids to venture out and to walkabout ( not the aborigine way!!)we all need to remember that . i wonder why we forget that ,its the  old adage of preaching and not practising .im guilty of that, too. well, promise u'll do what i did today take the baby step and atleastdo one thing is in your heart but u've been putting it off ... TAKE THE PLUNGE THE FALL IS WORTH IT!!