Thursday, February 4, 2010

Starring Karan

I was watching “The ugly truth” and trust me truth is ugly. It’s blatant in the face, over the top and leaves one shaking to the core. Despondency and despair come to the fore and white picket fences get uprooted.

Karan thought about all this while nursing a beer, reclining on his Laz-boy and wondering when he had changed to becoming a guinea-pig. All this about doing it, producing the heir, why oh why couldn’t we let gentle Mother Nature take its course…slowly and steady in its rhythm lulling them to the final destination.

He was a yo-yo between his mother and wife oscillating like a pendulum!! Why don’t women understand that they also needed there space and also had emotions. They couldn’t perform just because the temperature was right or some mumbo-jumbo said that taking a potency mixture in milk, yes milk!! ensured ……….SUCCESS.

It was much easier predicting who was going to win the India-Pakistan match (at least one could either win or lose); but with mom and Rhea on his case and the waiting, it was ruining everything. He wondered where all the shanti had gone.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Cancer, the very word conjures up the image of a horrifying illness, wasting away, and the pain and invariably death. The mere whisper of the word invokes terror. Let us unravel this terror and take important steps to fight this scourge.

Cancer (medicinal term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond normal limits), invasion and metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). These three malignant properties of cancer differentiate them from benign tumors which are self-limited. Most cancers form a tumor but some like leukemia don’t. The branch of medicine related to the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention is called Oncology.

I am sure this was all Latin, and flew over one’s head. Dr. Sarvdeep Dhatt M.D., explains by saying, Cancer is a very aggressive condition and if not detected on time can involve any system or part of the body. Regular screenings and prompts diagnosis along with a multi-specialty approach can help fight the disease”.

Cancer knows no barriers; it will strike swiftly, silently and is 90% of the times fatal. The last census shows that 13% of all the human deaths worldwide were because of cancer. Cancer is caused by abnormalities in genetic material of the transformed cells. These are due to the effects of carcinogens such as tobacco, smoke, radiation, chemicals or infectious agents. The prognosis of cancer patients is most influenced by the type of cancer as well as the stage or potency of the disease.

To combat this February 4th is marked as WORLD CANCER DAY so as to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment. It is led by International union against cancer, a global consortium of more than 280 cancer fighting organizations in over 90 countries. World cancer day targets the public through global communications marking and encourages governments to act and make it a political priority.2010 is earmarked as the year to learn about vaccines against virus that cause cancer (HBV vaccines). 30% of the cancer is preventable by avoiding risk factors such as tobacco, obesity alcohol and physical inactivity, low fruit and vegetable intake, pollution of all types and sexually transmitted infection.

Foremost, it is essential that there should be early detection. Punjab has a high incidence of cancer–related deaths. In the 1960’s and70’s due to overzealous politicians, scientists, philanthropists, farmers were made to switch from traditional methods to the American way of farming- with pesticides, fertilizers and high yielding seeds. Thus by this they could prevent hunger and also avoid the area going Communist. Though here was a transformation from a nation which chronically begged for food-aid to an export surplus one the “green’ did not mean organic, pesticide free. I wonder if the price Punjab is paying is justified.

Malwa region tops the region by deaths caused by liver of the cancer and blood cancer is predominant in other parts.

Treatment of cancer is beyond the reach of the common man and it leaves the family in financial penury.

Sant Baba Bhagwant Bhajan Singh felt the need of a COMPREHENSIVE CANCER TREATMENT CENTRE to stem this disease which would be accessible to the poor where treatment and diagnosis would be done on a charitable basis. His dream is where all the cancer –stricken patients would receive treatment and humane care when they are left to die by their families in the form of a hospice.

This has been realized by setting up SANT JASWANT SINGH CANCER SOCIETY, Dakoha in collaboration with AIMS, Faridabad& PGI Rohtak. Super Specialists from these hospitals were present like Dr. R.K. Karawasra Secretary ASI HOD Rohtak, Dr. Prabhsharan Ahuja, Oncologist AIMS, ….


These doctors held a free camp on the premises of the Nirmal Takhat Baba Budha Sahib Charitable Trust on the 20th of January , 2010 where 120 patients were examined and their follow up treatment will be done free of cost. These Drs. also for the first time in collaboration with the Indian Cancer Society have started the first ever official tabulation of cancer patients in Punjab which was not done before. As patients earlier would board the Cancer Train and would go to Bikaner and true data was never recorded.

On this day, do your bit by reading at first and to go in for early detection and check-ups to ensure the avoidance of cancer.