The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness. Only when there is stillness in movement can the spiritual rhythms appear which pervades heaven and earth.
Sometimes my place is like an airport (Amritsar lounge) or sometimes likened to the bus-stand with people of all walks coming and going. It seems there is never a moment to oneself, one is multi-tasking, constantly in motion be it with the phone (attached to my ear as my mom in law says ! causing me to walk in a funny way ) or just doing things like reading , listening to music (forever playing ) and yes, shouting to my servies. But I have made it that way on purpose because surrender does not mean saying,’ I open the doors from three to five only, and if you don’t make it, that’s too bad.’ You have to surrender to the Divine twenty four hours a day. You cannot do it part-time.
How do you do a spiritual practice if you keep all your doors open and somebody walks right in? Well, you have to learn to incorporate that person, that conversation into the practice of surrender, even if you had intended to do something entirely different. And don’t get irritable, don’t get impatient-particularly if the interruption isn’t all that important and the work involved in is important.
This practice teaches you to surrender, to be quick in adjusting your concentration, to be able to go back to where you were quickly, and it deepens your acceptance of what is.
When that is established, then you can say, ‘Okay, between seven to nine-that’s my time.’ But still be willing to surrender to circumstances and adjust your time. If you don’t impatience comes in the door. You will begin thinking, ‘Oh, I can never finish anything. There all these disturbances. There are all these interruptions.’ That impatience reflects later on in your daily life. Reflect upon this for a minute you’ll see this attitude in every sphere; be it with kids, wife, husband etc…
There are always people around us and they mean problems and who wants problems? However, victory comes only when we allow it happen.
I think this is true for all aspects of one’s life be it spirituality or be it just normal hum -drum.
Remember To live in an enchanted world; we have to assume the role of magician in our everyday lives. Thomas Moore