What is in a name? A rose by any other name would
smell as sweet is a popular reference to
William Shakespeare play of Romeo and Juliet . Shakespeare would have loved
visiting my small village that has the most colorful names, its like as if the
naming squad decided to pay homage to the Britishers who ruled us and just left
all of us with complexes to have the white, fair skin and the best ode naming
them after the gora log. So, one ambitious lady who wanted to out do the rest
of the women, named her son Bladder. Bladder is the best cow-help we have, he
can coax milk out of the most stubbornness’ of them.
His name as you can see is contradictory or on some
levels an indicator to milking.
What must his mother be thinking when she named him
this? Does she know what it means? I don’t think so. There is another tall,
old, with a flowing beard Gursikh gentleman who works on the farm is in charge
of the planting is quite senior in the hierarchy whose name is, Phanni. Yes,
you heard it; it’s a funny name.
This person is extremely religious, makes annual trips
to the gurudwaras and is a devout Sikh. He’s been a Phanni all his life and now
has grandchildren who go to English schools.
The measure of success in Punjab is how well you speak
English, to ape all mannerisms, to be a pseudo- intellectual with complete
disdain for its rural identity. The culture, the identity and the ethos of what
we stand for, has changed as we try to embrace a culture that is not ours.
At first we gave up wearing our clothes, and simultaneously
the language we speak. In fact, it is a matter of grave concern if you can’t
speak English and have an accent that is pronounced Punjabi and is pendu. Also,
heaven forbid, if you wear Punjabi clothes and don’t wear the western attire. I
have had ladies express horror and sadness that I lived in a village
And they wondered how I commuted to the city. It also
doesn’t help that I wear suits and have hair that goes in a bun. And isn’t
colored to suit the rainbow. I don’t have the requisite streaking you see.
They also wondered what I did in the evenings. There are
William , Nathaniel all who live in the next village , who have the best
waiters in town. I wonder, how many Alices ,Preety , who is pretty , by the way
have a life that the Alice’s of the west have.
We name our children with a hope that the names
influence their destiny but sometimes all the names chosen go astray. Issac of
the next village is Issak now. It doesn’t end there, Lot became lutta , and
Same became Semaa , the best green fingers doctor. It is how ever another story
that he is a reformed drug addict who had a mild problem, is forever in need of money but can coax life out of a dead
plant also. He has magical green fingers.
The old fashioned names which were synonymous of
Punjab, have given to names that are modern, short. We all try to blend in, to
blend into a nameless, faceless society that has lost its will , identity and
has forgotten to be proud. We are in fact a, society that is looking for
answers from outside, and love blaming the ill wills to a fast paced virtual life
that is so far away from the problems that plague us. Embracing oneself, bing
proud of one’s heritage and sticking to the old fashion values that we had
would lead us out of the problems of corruption that has seeped into the
fabric. Naming a child with a fancy schmancy name isn’t deliverance, deliverance
starts by the values, morals and the valor of yesteryear and don’t let it be
relegated to monuments only . Till then , we have trivial twitter debates on
Taimur’s name and the recent ugly spat
of Hrithik and Kangana!