It’s a strange country . Why do we put a value on a girl/woman’s life? She is valued at every moment by how much is spent on her.From the moment she is born , one keeps on thinking how much is the monetary cost of letting her be born, and on top of it there is this izzat ka swaal that her tiny fragile shoulders have to bear . It is off no consequence that there are male members in the family . It is such a huge momentous thing that she is allowed to be born. So many decisions, contemplations and they let the foetus be born.It is always circumstantial and then the segregation starts .
The society keeps on saying oh they are doing such a great job by educating her , they aren’t doing any difference between a boy and a girl. Why do we let this subtle differences creep in and then it becomes glaring at every step. First we educate her , bring her up in the best way possible , and then we let her work , thinking we are doing a great favour by letting her explore, fly and to curb her just when she is married.
The expense of getting her married is also held against her and that is also a value put .
Every moment of her life she is told to be beautiful , to look good, her body is body shamed to be thin and fit and to be in a mood that is deemed attractive. What she wants is inconsequential.If she has an opinion she is rude and is a feminist , if she is polite and soft she is told she is not with it , she sent moving with the times , if she is quiet ,its being rude and if she is friendly she is easy and accessible to all. One in three women are assaulted, they will never speak about it , they will never join the hashtag movement because simply they don’t what a hashtag is.
I spoke of Padman to my girls in the village school , they all admitted to not using any sanitary pads , just because it was too expensive. What is the point of the awareness that is limited to the one who read, with movies and see all the Instagram posts ? The only way to start the revolution is by actually giving a free supply to one of the girls you see on the street lights begging, or by the help you have at home. Don’t deduct from her pay ! We love doing that , you know.
In fact , till the blinkers are not off where we think a wink is enough to trend continuously and is more important than all the problems that just don’t go away but are actually shoved under the carpet or the dhurrie we proudly have brought back keepin in mind that its more fashionable to be indo-chic and have that touch of bohemian in you.
I wonder when will it trend that women are priceless and we should treat them as humans and not keep on drawing the fact that we have done a favour by letting them live, educating them and then dong the biggest fattest blingiest over the top wedding not for them but for duniya walon and society.
Let her live ,let her bloom ,let her blossom because she is human and don’t out a value on her and start the change not with a hashtag that is trending or posting the selfie but in reality helping out one. Start with just one , and look within