Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Piku moment

So it’s one of those crazy days , when its so hot that even Drogon would take a day off , and my maids decide to come to work late . And ,I was all heated up and had made up my mind to fire my duo that reminds me of Laurel and Hardy . Time kept on elapsing and she sauntered in with a Donald Duck gait and I asked with all my anger and the best memsahib voice , that why were they late ?
The little one was hidden behind her girth and she said that she was filling water and they didn’t have a water pump to get water to their homes in the village , so that’s why they were late . The older one started telling me that she had to get up really early to store water, wash clothes , and then had to catch a breath and eat food and come and if it took time , so what . And on top of that , she had to go for morning walk, drink some water and then sit in anticipation of the royal movement . Some toilet here and there and this was in chaste punjabi !! 
I was quiet and then just burst out laughing . She told me its important to drink water so she could go and do . All of us from any strata , big or small, living in the best of the worlds or in the bylanes of village  to the biggest bunagalows need to go and then only the day starts . I had to keep quiet to that one and couldn’t push any longer to why she was so late in coming to work.
Ever since that day I’ve become a bit more humane to her basic needs , they cant afford a water pump set to get the water to her house and that delays everything for her and she has to come for work to eke out her living.
We take a lot of things for granted as things are just there , open a tap , water is running, turn a switch and electricity is running, scroll and see the world, order and things are delivered to our door step.  They have to still fight , strive for their basic needs and spend all their lives to just reach to a basic level and eat   But we sanctimoniously complain that that they choose the wrong type of Netaji to lead our country . We are a minority who have everything going, yet we complain the maximum , and do the least to change the society or situation but have the shrillest voice to change the world . When do we start to change so that collectively all of us have water equally for instance  and can go to the toilet at a decent time and not wake up at an unearthly hour of 4am and work like crazy . Lets divide the benefits , as no one is getting out of this life alive and none of us are taking the riches along . 
I am out a socialist , nor am I asking for any favours but take a minute to think that we preach , share , post as our statuses, or put up as stories can only be held true if we started to believe , have faith and started practising what the Gurus had already laid down for us . 
This divisiveness and divide and demarcation on basis of religion is going to be an end of us .As water flows for all from the source and is for all life , lets all change ourselves or start to .

We are trolls , and thus we speak !

Every day we have time to trivialise whether Priyanka wears a choli under her saree or why did Dhoni have a balidan badge on his glove but what really matters is that things aren’t getting better . Twinkle Sharma , a small two year old gets raped , killed but then status is changed to the fact that she was killed , murdered and not raped .Why do we always want to politicise the situation ?
Every thing is about sensationalising the moment , to cash into the money , to be the first to give exclusive breaking news .
Humanity , empathy and being considerate or just being plain old human has lost the flavour . I am still trying to come into term with the virtual anonymityit’s of the trollsters who make it their business to make fun , riducle or just be rude under the guise of modern virtual rules that were made by somebody sitting somewhere.
Trolls to me are the sweet little tuffy haired toys that I grew up with and not these vicious words online. I know we all have an opinion about everything under the sun ( this too is one !!) but why do we end up being mean? Am I stupid or gullible ? 
In a country where we worship Nari Shakti as the epitome of our religious beliefs and believe that she is the giver , fighter, destroyer , is the reason for our wealth , prosperity , culture and for our knowledge ; how is that we end up debasing , defiling, multinational, raping her pure form again and again?How does the man become an animal? I think even the animals would protest and say we don’t do this. These humans are monsters and instead of politicising the case that he was a Muslim or a Hindu , lets all collectively find the answer once and for all. The accused is an offender as he was caught raping his own daughter , then how did the justice fare for us?
You all tweet , make headlines , debate and pass sweeping statements but its all hogwash and crap sold in the nicest polite way. For me the saving grace was last week , when one such rapist was caught in Rama Mandi ,beaten to death by the mob who then took his body to the police station and enmass told the inspector that please arrest us.
In this case, it was Hindu , raping a Hindu child before you start making any statements.For once, put our religions aside , its an eveil human raping an innocent and no matter what the provocation is or was this is inhuman act isn’t justified.
The alarming statements that all the water will finish , or humans will perish in 31years by the climate rousers doesn’t matter when the inhumanity and evil has reached to such levels. My maids wisdom , nails it she says they don’t think women matter because no one cares , they only see us an outlet for a physical gratification and till we aren’t taught that women have feelings or are humans in the same footing will this end. End the double speak and stop retwteeing till you don’t mean business.