Monday, April 26, 2021

Who is funding you , Sardarji ?

 Who is funding you , Sardarji?

What is he carrying ? Is it a gun or a missile? What is he going to do? No , no its an oxygen cylinder .
How tables have turned ! Two months ago Sikhs were labelled as terrorists , the funding of the NGO’s was questioned . It was said that funding was from questionable sources , time and again we have been blamed as a community that our funding is from the neighbouring country and from foreign sources . We are in the throes of the worst pandemic and its a bleak and bleak , dark time . The Sikh NGO’s are providing free oxygen cylinders drive in for the patients irrespective of your caste , creed , religion and area borders or demarcations . 
Every single time , in our own country we have to prove ourselves again and again and when calamities occur we step in with our universal principle of langar for all , and to help in kind . Why is that then we are accepted? And when we are labelled as anti national , or a terrorist  no one comes to defend us . 
These are testing times and we all need to stand by and support each other , be it a Hindu or a Muslim or a Sikh or a Christian . It’s humanity first . Our entire movie industry , our so called influencers are quiet and we are mute spectators to their pictures , why have you not stepped forward to help? Why is it just the few  ? Our cricketers who we have put up on a pedestal have hollow feet and are not even worth a mention .. where is the darling of our masses ? Or did they just make an ass of us ? The IPL plays on as if nothing is wrong. Are we so far from reality that we don’t see the pain that has been unleashed on millions .
To label  the farmers , to sidestep and circumvent the issue that they need an immediate repeal of the laws , we started saying that they were stopping the ambulances , and not letting them pass . Don’t stoop so low , karma and everything is balanced here in this lifetime here only . 
We have had our worst enemy , Pakistan offering us help , Eidhi Foundation , cricketers , citizens from all walks of life , and the PM  and I am happy and bow to them as humanity first . We gave the vaccine to the world ,and how many came forward to help? In fact  , I was also fangirling when Kamla Harris came into office but what happened? It was America first .
I wish we had not been magnanimous to the world and not given the vaccine. I am a mixture of emotions , sad , unhappy , dismal a lot of despair and anger at the collapsed healthcare and an infrastructure that just didn’t exist . The frontline workers, the nurses , the doctors the strangers in the night who lent a hand and are working day and night and the journalists who are reporting the macabre drama to us , I salute all of you .
The stories are too many to be counted , we are dying every second. Right now , there seems to be no light and all is dark but it will open up , light will come in . It is the band of complete strangers who are virtually spearheading , and finding beds, oxygen cylinders , and just lending a helping hand with a cooked meal or just plain old listening over the social media. we have socially come together to be the army . 
It was never about the Sardar , it was always being and helping a hand to others . Our Gurus told us to lead by example and that is what they are doing and sometimes it’s the need of the hour to claim it .

Monday, April 12, 2021

Why sell us dreams?

Why do you sell us dreams? Why do you tell us we can achieve everything ? Since the day I was born you bring us up giving me everything . Why does puberty suddenly hit us and I am told that things are different , don’t do this , do that , and do this more ,learn this as this will help you later . What is this mysterious later? i strive to reach the moon , try to get good grades , be happy trying to break the invisible barriers and the shackles laid down by the society .

What is patriarchal mindset ?
 The mindset that is so ingrained in our society just to control us women . It seems as if we are sirens in disguise , just by mere walking down the road the inner exon of us and sex comes out in men . And you know the noodles , and chow mien we eat , they make us fast . Are we the road Runner? Why is it essential that one needs to be good ,nice , demure during the day and be a sex goddess at night ? Men have such dictates over us , they want to tell us how to sit , how to walk, eat , sleep. , and wear and what we are allowed to do .
In genteel society , one is allowed ( mind you )to do ladylike pursuits .
Just like Bridgeton , nothing has changed much in our lives,we are still expected to follow only lady like pursuit s, be chaperoned by a male , wear clothes that are appealing , a tad bit revealing to catch the eye but demure enough .Doesn’t that sound familiar ? We all angle for the right catch as if we are fishing ?  And , if we are the right trout or salmon , then all is well . It’s this what we all need to strive to .
Forget being an andolanjeevei or a protestor , our skin will get dark . And if you  like the young woman who wanted to work an d continue working as a nurse, be prepared to be stabbed and no one , would have the balls to come and ave you ,because they were busy making a movie . A young woman was stabbed 25 times, violently by her deranged husband who because he was within his right ( thanks to the archaic law ) to kill her , but what was more disgusting was that people recorded him killing his wife , passed by in their cars , but nobody made an effort to stop him and save her . She died on the spot in her blood and she was punished because she chose her career and took a stand for it. The husband took a break and rested because poor guy ! As exhausted after killing her . 
Who was more deranged? The man or the shameless public whose sense of excitement was aroused. Have we stooped so low that we find pleasure in all thi s? Look around, you isn’t the next person a woman ,doesn’t she deserve the same as you? What about her dreams and her joys ? Why stab, kill , burn , rape , assault , kill them just because you are intimidated?
My maid sums it up beautifully , she says they never spared Draupadi so why would they do to us now ? This is the end isn’t it? Pandemic or no when we c cant respect a human being why should the world survive ?