Thursday, March 10, 2011

now: ireport11

Now! ireport 11:
There is no time like the present, there is no generation which is the it generation. Ask your parents they thought they belonged to the most happening times, they did all we just think of doing. Beetles, the new age fad, the feminist movements, the bra-burning, the spiritual ashrams, the spiritual minded boutiques, the psychotherapy, the massages, Ayurveda. Every generation just thinks they’ve discovered something new. It’s actually old wine in a new bottle (of course the packaging just improves and its get shinier, glitzier with bling thrown).
People all want the same things which has driven us since time immemorial or I’ll say from the time of Adam or if it offends anyone’s religious sensibilities, Moses, Rama, Shiva! People scheme, promote, deceive, conquer, and pray for their loved ones, long to free misery and to escape death as eternal it is. We all think the era before us knew God a little bit closer than us; they were selfless, courageous or were well versed in literature or fine arts. And the apocalypse is upon us. In fact, the opposite is true. God is available to everyone and at anytime in every age. There never was amore holy age than ours, and never less.
There is no less holiness at this time then it was when Moses parted the waters, or Nanak founded Sikhisim or Krishna answered Arjuna the moral dilemma question which still plagues us. The trees planted in Punjab can also give you the same enlightenment like the Bo tree under which Buddha sat. There is however the question that the trees remain!!
There is no less might in heaven or on earth than there was the day Jesus said, “ Maid arise’ to the centurion’s daughter or the day Peter walked on water or the night Mohammed flew to heaven on a horse. In any instant the sacred may wipe you with its finger. In any instant as I say one might pop off.
In any instant you may avail the power to forgive, to love your enemies, accept failure slander, grief or to endure torture (I know I sound very sanctimonious here)
Purity is what I’m driving at. IT’s time is always now. You can’t mark it on a calendar or a diary or set an alarm on your iphone saying well, this my time I’ve allocated for Purity. It is not something which one can buy like antique furniture or a jamavar shawl which somehow one’s grandmom forgot to buy!
Joel Goldstein says,” God has nothing to give you that he (IT) is not giving you right now. God is available at all times, just reach out. God is the awareness of the infinite in each of us. Repeatedly and reassuringly, God tells him that “I am on the field”.

Ps: for us crazy cricketaholics: he’s playing..

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