Monday, October 17, 2011

Punjab ...

Taking Punjab Forward 2020

Punjab in 2020 will have regained its position of being the top state where it matters . Punjab , a state which has bounced back to its position of being a forerunner in the country by political parties deciding to join hands by doing away the bickering and mudslinging which they were previously famous for. This unique co-operation between two diametrically opposite parties ushered in a new revolution whereby they worked for the common man / aam aadmi keeping him supreme. This path-breaking commitment led to a development which was unprecedented in the country. The parties saved the state and it rose again like a Phoenix to reclaim the punjabi pride which had been reduced to botal, sharaab and nasha and had in the last decade lost its valor and contribution to the armed forces. 
I envisage Punjab to be a state where my children would be proud to be Indians and Punjabis second and not sell their lands to gain ticket to a phoren country to earn dollars. I want Punjab, to resurrect , reconstruct itself in a complete manner so that we secure our future by dealing with primary issues which plague the state . 
Punjab , the land of five rivers has the sixth one in place .. drugs and alcohol which flow freely. A complete , strict in action policing on the border areas with states like Rajasthan which are the conduits for free flow of drugs needs to be enforced. The Border Force Police which  guards this porous border with Pakistan needs to be vigilant and energetic with up-to date equipment and weaponry to deter criminals.
Punjab , primarily an agrarian state with the help of a comprehensive agricultural policy which introduces different cropping patterns, rain-water harvesting  techniques,and where capital is provided by state government  to build an infrastructure to promote vegetable and fruit crops . They would allow the farmer to become economically independent after a gestation period of five years. The farmer today in 2011 is under debt , shrinkage of land, no water, and no viable support price. When the inputs are so high and land cost is spiraling out of control it is easier to fall into the vicious trap of selling the land to a builder to make a quick buck. 
I expect politicians of tomorrow and today to cooperate with themselves in matters of development and not pull each other down as prevalent today.
Punjab has a dismal education system today where the rural child stands no chance against the urban one. There is no science or maths basics. Education is the lodestone of a state . Punjab needs an independent policy which will re-build the state's education policy for the next decade. We need to bring all the children under one umbrella. A dedicated independent policy adhering to the country's framework and policies should be implemented and it should comprise of eminent personalities in the field who will work for the greater good and will not squabble or dither from their responsibilities. 
Punjab has the biggest blot on its reputation where once we were prided as being the defenders of women and now are called kudi-maar .This smear needs to be eradicated , not by mere talk but by definite action. We need to stop this genocide by complete , strict effective enforcing from panchayat level. Also ,girls need to be given monetary backing and the society needs to come forward in unison to stop this rot.
In the end , I would like Punjabis to stand up and be proud of being Punjabi and giving back to the state. We need to retune our selves just like the re-boot of a computer to regain the pride lost. If we can't stay here and make this a better place how can we preach .

Ravneet Sangha

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