Thursday, September 13, 2012

Down the rabbit's hole

 Down the rabbit’s Hole …

Where is society headed?  A society is a loosely congregation of people who live together governed by unwritten laws. Nowadays, we are governed by zilch, nada. Do we have any morals, any standards any etiquettes left or they have become extinct as the dodo.
Mythology is what will become of the society that was once famed for its tradition, an unwritten set of laws, which governed and separated us from animals defining us as humans.  The famous comic illustration books Amar Chitra katha have already hired designers to recreate the long lost era.
India as a whole seems to be on a path of self destruction where cartooning is taken as an offense as in the case of Aseem Trivedi, a high court judge rules that violence or wife beating is allowed and a woman should bear it. We go through the worst periods of history where corruption is at its zenith and one forgets how many zeroes figure in the scams hitting the country. The public still lives in hope, silently picking up its pieces and living on daily foraging a life.  States where a woman is easily bartered and killed, as he does not bring dowry or the mere fact that she is not producing a male child.
Why do we forget that it’s definitely not in her hands?
Another shameful episode marks the degradation, is the physical violence that a woman bears trapped in a loveless, emotionally blackmailing marriage. Why?
‘Indian law is spineless says’, Daljeet Singh a blogger and a businessman based in Delhi. A woman whether she belongs to the highest echelons of the society or to the lowest. Violence is prevalent everywhere it does not see color creed or money. Satinder Kaur, an Nri corporate woman remarks, women need to be strong, and women need to collectively raise their voice.
The violence which is explained as falling of the stairs, a knock on the door, corridors is hidden the bruise fades from eggplant to yellow and then nothing; but the scars remain etched in a woman’s heart her psyche and the tears which have no value for this deaf mute society. Empathy has finished or maybe we didn’t know bout it. Our religion that has droves flocking back to it, the spirituality that has the world under its spell is actually just a farce, the best money making business in the world.  Spirituality exists, not because it feeds the soul but because it feeds the Gods of Mammon. My apologies, to the real gurus, though.
 A Professor in a local engineering College aptly sums up the, hypocritical and two-faced Janus of a society we live in, ‘Two things that India lacks are major propellants of this culture- Education and respect of women. Men going out for a drink is socializing, women going out is frowned upon and obscene names are used, Lady in our society is for doing Chula, mulching the buffaloes, raising the kids and serving a hot meal to the drunkard husband whenever he comes back from a binge session. Drinking by men is called machismo, but a lady who socializes is looked down upon. Women need to fight and raise their voices and if nothing works, Bobbitization will!’
We live in a patriarchal society where men rule the roost, literally coupled with insecurity woman face physical abuse and mental abuse all day long.  The insecurities of men who do not have jobs are drunkards, drug addicts or have other failings translate these by hitting out. Lashing out like a bully is the only answer and sexual abuse which a woman bears silently.
A lady based in Mumbai, Rinnie K. Gill who is a singer points out that ‘ lack of financial independence is what really makes women face abuse. She is first looking out for herself and then her children, and she sinks into a vicious circle spiraling down to an abyss.
Every day we have reports, incidents of infants found behind bushes with the umbilical cord intact, or maimed by birds, with insect bites and what do we do, shake our heads politely, murmur the noises and make sympathetic noises, but do we do something, no. One asks, what can we do, well start somewhere, if one doesn’t get on the road how will you end the journey? The society in short needs a radical upheaval, economic success, prosperity all follow as is the law of nature but till we don’t learn how to give respect to the mother of all, we cannot take a step forward. Nature wreaks havoc and fury as she rebels against this lawlessness and imbalance. The atheists who smugly ask where is your God at this moment, I would just say one thing, the higher presence is with in you, look within and the purity shall shine through. We, just need to unmask the science, the godly power to pull ourselves out of the rabbit hole just like Alice but here not in fiction but in reality.

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