Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Illusory world

The world is always changing, nothing is permanent and everything is subject to change. Objects of the world are transitory; they all are subject to destruction, decay and ultimately death. Our own body for that matter, when we are young, we don’t really believe that we will ever become old, although we see people around us growing old. When our own old age approaches, we are surprised and disappointed. To escape this we use herbs, medicines, and cosmetics to delay the inevitable by keeping yourself busy. But nothing helps. That which you think you are is constantly slipping through your fingers.
In ones, relationship with others the situation is worse. The person you love, don’t care fro you tomorrow. Your children leave you, grown up married to their spouses and devote themselves to them. You are left alone with your own I-am –ness-which is undependable because it is constantly in flux.
This is why all the scriptures say the world is illusory, a mirage, a shining ness. It should not make one sad but we need to accept that this is how the world is.

Only, the higher truth, the one that creates the perfect balance in this illusory world is immortal and not subject to destruction, or decay or death. It remains unchanged, witnessing the changing states of all worldly objects, including you, me, and us, the mortal humans. Once you know the eternal Truth, that we all come with an expiry date, so pre-decided and all this running around for the elusive ness, will lead us to rise above success and disappointment. Instead of viewing the stream of change as destructive, we will be able to see it is a renewal … albeit a continuous one. Then one can enjoy and accept that the change is inevitable and without this the world would be a boring place to live!

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