Monday, November 2, 2015

what women want !

This comes with a disclaimer in the beginning and I know it’s not the usual; one has to give it in the end. But, as kalyug is on us, and the life of a woman, which is valued only for nine days as the Goddess as the Shakti. However, for the rest of the year she is well free from rape, killing, assault, torture, ridicule and oh the simplest is just kill her for wearing a t-shirt and jeans!
Has anyone ever asked what do we want? Do we want to look fair and lovely? Do we want the white skin that is so portrayed on the television screen ad stares down from billboards pounding at us, telling us that if we did not have the white cream dewy pink tone we would not be attractive to the opposite sex and thus nothing good would be achieved. We would not marry, we would never get the dream job, nor would we ever win any competition. No matter, how good we were at any other thing or had better qualities we would never be the ideal bahu or the wife to our in-laws or husband. Even if she was the best cook, made the best samosas and served tea in the best fashion she would never match up the draconian standards of the marriage mart. Forever, she was doomed.
It is the subtle, systematic bombarding by the multinational companies that project an artificial white color so as to sell their products. This image so projected ingrains young girls, then teenagers and young women and later older ones to be guinea pigs to try fairness, lightening, tightening, wrinkle banishing products! Imagine a woman in our lifetime is subject to close 40 chemicals that she uses unknowingly uses to look beautiful in the eyes of the beholder and the society! Yes, we love to look pretty but the image that is thrust upon us. A woman is supposed to have the perfect figure, the right vital statistics and the beautiful, healthy, luxurious the tinted brown hair that mysteriously can be open till her waist but can coil up in a bun to suit the traditional image.
Girls remember, please you are a yo-yo. You are a woman of the 21st century who can carry off the modern look with élan and be the corporate woman, but after hours you are the magical cook who can whip up all sorts of dishes, plus be the traditional home maker, rolled into a bai, cleaner, washer, driver, agony aunt all wearing the lovely contrast kurta with a bindi and a subtle gold chain and the twinkle of the diamonds. The crown sits heavy, my dear.
Women, want to be loved, respected, given attention, they want to be left alone. Honestly, we aren’t crazy bimbos who are forever strutting themselves so they look sexy, cool for the guys. Sometimes, we just do this for ourselves too! If the winged eyeliner is worn, it’s for the red and us to look cool or ox-blood color of the lipstick is because the fashion dictates not that the husband swoons over it. I don’t think they would even know what ox-blood is especially now, when the steak is banned; talking about beef is taboo.
You know those sassy statuses, the positive, inspirational quotes they all hold true for us. If they expect us to be Angelina Jolie or closer home Aishwarya or Deepika, suck in those bellies, and tone your sagging muscles and look like Brad Pitt or the sexy George Clooney and well we might consider.
Just let us be. If one is having a sad moment or is quiet, or is a bit angry do not be typical and blame it on PMS. It is not the answer for every thing. Yes, we have periods, get over it but our lives do not revolve around them. We all grew up we can handle the trauma. Its what makes us women.
Women, are stronger, smarter, and sexier and when challenged we fit on molds that are not even made! India, is an intolerant country . The ills of this country from rape , she asked for it , for having girls, she had them , for not getting promotion or the necessary promotion or the raise its all her fault . She is the woman who mysteriously influences and makes everything go wrong!  On this side of the border, Chinese food, chows Mein make the women go stir crazy and they ask for rape. And it just doesn’t stop there, wearing tights somehow doesn’t allow girls to absorb or inculcate education, tights have been banned! The weirdest that has me going crazy is that when someone is trying to rape you, stand there and say Bhaiya.
As, my whatsapp soul sisters say women only want attention  ,love , care and self respect . The new advertisement where she wants just her husband to acknowledge the pain and hurt and not to be just molly coddled and placated by a senseless sorry .

Some days , we just want to live life like a human and not have the dictates of the rigid, two faced society thrust on us . This goes on and on and has been since time immemorial but treat us well and we return back manifold to you , the world and everyone. Don’t judge us by color or the size of the body , shape , or the hair or our eyes , or the size of our breasts or the butt . Just, remember we have a soul brighter , older and as beautiful as yours with the same karma .

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