Thursday, December 3, 2020

Chardi kala for all

 Its Day 6 and protest continues. They challenged the farmers thinking they would cow down , go back after facing all the blockades, barricades , water canons and tear gas attacks and false cases that were implicating them for murder and attempt to murder. It became Punjabi vs the rest of the country and then it spiralled to them being called terrorists . They tried the old age scheme of labelling us as Khalistanis and thought that would make the public go against the support that was being garnered here and abroad . It also led to a shameful actress maligning an old lady as being available for hire as low as Rs 100 ( I’m sorry I am not going to forget and forgive this one ) and for the first time going to follow the hashtag of banning Kangana Ranaut . 

Imagine, the entire country has come out in support for these farmers who just happen to be Punjabi Jats and are the face of protest . Its just that we grow wheat , rice and also contribute milk to the central pool not to forget the maximum number of martyrs are from the state. I don’t remember anyone not dying just because it was for India or the homeland. One of the farmers rightly said , we cant have consensus in our own religious body , how can we want Khalistan ? A Sardar is an epitome of being strong , of being the protector of ones izzat , girls are told to take a taxi where the driver is a Sardar late at night , be it Bombay , Delhi or New York .
We are made to be the butt of every joke, of every drunk joke, of being flashy , ostentatious and flashy and to have grand life styles, have you ever gone to an ordinary farmers house? Have you seen how he toils ? He sleeps with one eye open looking towards the sky ..
This is true for each and every farmer , the protest has been joined by the Jats of Haryana , UP , Bihar , MP , Uttarakhand. The big brother Punjab has united one and all,says the Rajasthani farmer . 
Dividing us , has led to being unified with the rest of the country and the Azaan and the Ardas and the Pooja are all sung together . Its late at night and am snug in my fleece jacket , wearing warm socks and have the heater on , but my heart beats for my bazurg who lay on the roads covered with their blankets and quilts who have come in for the long haul but are being affected by the dip in temperature at night. They are all old and all  they ask as citizens of this country , as Hindustanis that the laws be taken back. Why is it hard to understand that we don’t want them? The countryside is ablaze with sending support , pinnis , dry milk , ladoos, Mathis and medicines . Someone is giving blankets, someone water , someone is singing , someone is tending to the sick , someone is making rotis on a tawi ... the love, bonhomie , the spirit of Chardi kala unites all and in the end the wrinkles of every farmer is one and doesn’t say he is a punjabi or a Hindu or a Muslim .
It shows the vagaries of nature and the steel nature that have built this country and can withstand anything . Let us continue our support and love and prayers for them . Hope and faith are what a farmers sows and he feeds the nation inspite of all the hardships he faces ...

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