Tuesday, April 30, 2013

HIndi-chini bhai bhai

Congratulations! We have officially become a country that is the most welcoming nation of the world. We have been conferred and for once earned the title honestly, fair and square. No juggaad here. According to hospitality index and the mother of all languages, Sanskrit, we are the most hospitable friendly nation. In fact, we have even allowed China to enter into Ladakh, as much as 24kms. That is akin to Pakistan entering us via Amritsar and we allow so. And, here we are contemplating a visit in the near future, on the e9th of May by the Foreign Minister who will visit China to apprise them off the situation.
What pinnacle, nadirs are we trying to attain? Is the mirage just for the politicians? Are we trying to win brownie points for manners or is it a legacy left behind by the colonial rule? We have changed from a country of valiant, brave heroes who are an icon to the world to a country of spineless people where rape, plunder is committed unabashed and where action task forces and committees are set up to procrastinate? The country has become a subject of ridicule all over the world; even Martians have refused us help.
The society is at fault; we can only help ourselves if we at least start from A.  To point, shift blame on others is just plain down ridiculous we all are guilty collectively. Another mockery of the public sentiment was done when Sajjan Kumar was acquitted scot-free. Why are our emotions made to go through a wringer again and again?
Rape occurs, we go through the emotions, coldly shrugging away the newspaper, oh because it did not touch us or happen with us. Young girls are mutilated, killed, abused, exploited all adjectives, but these describe them. They are not mere words describing them; the victims go through these acts in REAL Life.
Calculated pogrom happens and then a façade of justice, and its wheels are moved but what happens?
Nothing. In fact, this is precisely the reason why we are allowing China to invade us. Remember, what Nehru said, Hindi-chini bhai bhai.
I am sure as we have allowed the Indian markets to be flooded by Chinese products we will mingle with them one day as all we can go do is look to the mandarins in the north block for direction awaiting for deliverance which never comes.
Until unless, we all singularly become responsible for the change and treat it as an onus to ourselves; till then nothing can happen .


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