Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring Cleaning , it is .

Its springtime, and everything is in excess in my backyard. It seems every flower, every plant, has had a growth injection hormone and they are literally bursting out of their seams. In fact the latest share yesterday was that finally my winter fat has gone, I now have spring rolls!! It does have me laughing, only Punjabis have this ability to laugh at themselves and make the best jokes!
We’ve just finished with the mother of all battles, game of thrones of the most interesting, closely watched election of our times, and then the winds of change with the government changing to the Congress all attributed to the charisma of one person the Maharaja. How we all love the royalty, who have joined the commoners and have undertaken the task to deliver us from poverty, drudgery, agriculture stress, water depletion, virtually empty coffers, and a drug laden state that will be on the path of prosperity in four weeks with tightening the belts (they all have enrolled in the health gyms and have personal trainers) and the latest austerity drives. They do rumble over the fact that they had just got their chance to flaunt the prestigious lal – batti !
I am sure the new government will do their best and will deliver us to a new era of prosperity and riches but in the pind they all say its an eye wash, a and its like an old bride wearing newer clothes to dupe and fool the groom.
I love the homilies, which Punjab throws up. It takes me a while to understand them but when I do, they are spot on! Every year women get obsessed with cleaning the house , we all have this fear that maybe something starts to live in our houses , and dust accumulates in gazillions and we get possessed with this demon where we start to dust , clean ,take out , air , and put out everything we own in the sun as if just airing them would make things alright ! Indian women collect , file everything away as if it might be used in future.
In the same fashion , the government is going to nasha mukt our state . There is all this hue and cry where warnings have been issued ,announced in villages and nukkads calling for the end of the drug trade.
I hope this happens and just the re-arrangement of dust doesn’t happen. In the universe, everything settles downs, complacently, it might shift its place but it does settle down. I hope complacency doesn’t come in the government and they do deliver as they promised.
As we usher in spring , by exercising and trying to look fit and wear our summer clothes and the summer dresses and be selfie ready , the new leaders and the MLA’s are all taking the pictures and splashing the photos and we all eagerly wait for the smart phones they promised and the jobs so promised.
All I know , is that with the jobs promised , drug eradication and the new phones promised and deliverance of good governance the entire state is selfie ready .
I however, have my duster, crew and the Colin spray optimistic that I will find the elusive pot of gold as Modi just took away all my extra money and zilch have nothing and the potatoes don’t sell ,we just decided to use them as land fills.
I sincerely hope we all are not taken for a ride or just be dragged to another blame game and hope all the skeletons are dusted and everything is put out so we may usher in the next season with swachhta and cleanliness
Its high time someone raised the bar for us Punjabis and actually delivered what he promised than dusted and sat down on his throne..
Methinks, that’s why game of thrones so seems like a Punjabi thing .

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