Saturday, October 13, 2018


I am all for the #me too movement that has bombarded and taken us all by the storm and has literally shaken up the entire Indian diaspora. Big names, bigger people are crumbling and falling off the pedestal and then I get to hear the two words that shrug off all responsibility, pata nahin. Women let me tell you about a secret, it never is the man’s fault. It’s always ours; thank god we have been blessed with seeing him in all his natural glory, and he pulled his pants down to share.
It must have been your fault, you must have asked for it. They all just want the sati savitri lady who accepts her fat e. In fact, we should be thankful they are letting us even breathe, I mean first you and I are allowed to be born, you weren’t aborted just because your chromosomes weren’t what they were looking or, then after they let you live, they spent money on education, they let you study in schools and colleges and so what if your education didn’t matter, it all depended if your husband let you work. This all after a huge, hefty dowry was paid to satisfy his ego and his family’s stature, then also along the way if some one teased or assaulted you it must be your fault or you must have led him on as you were wearing a skirt, had shown your cleavage or had eaten chow mien!
Its never the males fault, he just got carried away in a weak moment and was led astray. Mind you, hes not cattle that he got lost.
Women, its always our fault, never the mans, we just get labeled in to genders or stereotypical words like feminist or bra-burning liberals if we don’t listen or we argue or heaven forbid share an opinion. Don’t belittle us, don’t mock us, don’t make fun of us, treat us with dignity that is ours. Even nature is having her #me too moment by the number of natural calamities that are currently besieging the world.
In fact, the way the world is going, God is going to have the last laugh. Men can be ugly, fat, obese, pimply, gangly, steroid induced biceps, have a paunch, have pan stained teeth, hair coming out of their ears, be dark, pitch black, or be fair as snow, it just gives them the right to pick, stalk, abuse, throw acid or assault just because they are men. Women can be pursued, and advances can be made as she led them on by a certain mysterious act that is only known to him and makes her game paly. Please, see the courage that a victim has to voice her sordid story that she went through and lived through, spare her indignity of a commission (Indians are famous for this). Justice delayed is justice denied. Don’t always treat us like sheep that can be herded of the cliff, as we only matter during the votes. Tweeting a picture of your daughter on girl child day or the beti divas or the international woman’s day isn’t enough.
Take onus for what you are, we make the society, no one else. I am sure I would get a label for what I have written , but someone shared this across the border ( they have their metoo movement going on ) , “what did the parantha said when someonetried to hurt her feelings?
“mei roti nahi hoon”.

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