Sunday, July 10, 2022

The tiny changes and me

 I  am al l for reading  as you  know, I can read just about anything apart from horror !And , have stayed away from  self  help books or inspirational ones , I think it was hubris and ego that I felt I knew it   all but as the old adage , pride hath a fall. I thought I knew everything and sanctimoniously could explain these books. I always assumed that there would be a misfortune and man /woman would emerge victorious after struggles and overcoming all suffering . 

Then one fine day , I came across a story on Instagram and I read the lines and went and tracked the author . And , I did what every person does on the planet , I started following the author , and signed up for his free newsletter . It was easy and i started reading it and following it all . The book , Atomic Habits written by James Clear , which is about how tiny changes , lead to remarkable results . It is the tiny minuscule changes in our routine , our mindset , our outlook that we can make changes in our life . He clearly says the 1 % change is required . It is a fascinating book and is easy to read and follow . What appealed to me is that we can train our mind to become better , it all starts with one change . One more page , five more minutes of work , two more push ups , walking 200 steps more , all focus to becoming better , and these results don’t show overnight but over time he writes and illustrates how the improvement is .
Why did I change ? What made me react to this book more than others ? I call this karmic , all things that happen in our lives are aligned to occur at a certain time , which is predestined in lien with the higher consciousness . It sounds contradictory , that I advocate these changes and also submit to Him , but He also says that as beings we have to constantly strive to be better and also be productive . .
If there is one thing I would add to this book is , to take a pen and paper , write your thoughts down , make lists , don’t procrastinate over this , now is the moment , visualising the goal makes it seem closer and then achieving it by changing oneself step by step leads to the reform .
I always shy away from writing ,and have a million open tabs in my mind where I am writing and making up stories but I seldom pen them down , always deferring myself with unnecessary scrolling or something which is always more important ; it could be dusting too ! 
But since I read this , I promised myself two articles a week , and hence the first one is dedicated to this book , how the tiny things lead to transformation . Maybe , one day the Hogwarts letter might come because I might be wizard worthy .

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