Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Real Question

We all do it. Every day. Many times a day. We forget our center. We forget who we are. We trade our peace and happiness for some worldly morsel and repeat the mantras ' if only ' and 'what if' . Usually the stakes are higher- a job, a relationship , a trip around the world or the fantasy of your choice-but it's the same thing.We' re missing something and we want to fill it the emptiness with whatever is closest at hand be it the chocolate or the cup of coffee or the gratification retail therapy at least for a while. But everything worldly is temporary, I'm going to get hurt all the time because it will change or disappear or the mirage will burst ,poof. That is the nature of all worldly objects, desires.
The real question is what am i really looking for ? What will truly satisfy me? What will fill me so I no longer feel empty? Will another exclusive suit or the limited edition designer bag or will another pet charity project which will bring one bigger accolades ? On the days I'm no longer swayed by a chocolate and my coffee combo ,I've discovered the trick is to not to feed the emptiness. Just stay empty. Feel the emptiness. Feed the emptiness, enter it , be one with it.  Instead of trying to fill one with transitory objects and experiences , allow it to take  you to the other side. Then you can be filled with that which is eternal and that which will not leave you jilted like a heart brokenlover.
once than that happens , you can still go out in the world and play with all its toys. But your senses will no longer jerk the reins out of your hands and run away with your mind landing you in a mess.
Now you're choosing the direction and having the fun.
It's easier said than done, you're probably reading this and saying , smiling too faintly and thinking someone who drinks coffee like anything, eats all the wrong food well she's a fine one too preach.
well sometimes the brain waves do connect and i try and desist when the senses tug at me and when I find I'm about to give in, I try to remember and take a few deep breaths and ask myself : ten years from now will this matter> How about a month from now? An hour? No. So why lose my balance, why lose my equilibirium ? and the calm/ uncalm moment passes.
Even if I think it matters, if I have no control over it , I may as well let go before holding on tears me into shreds . As long as I hold on, I'm ruled by my senses . ut if I let go and center myself in my true Self with my breath and my mantra, I cannot be swayed.

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