Saturday, May 21, 2011

the rebel mind

I used to meditate, I stopped

I used to do my path, I stopped.

I meditate sometimes, but don’t have the discipline, so don’t do it every day.

I meditated but don’t do it every day as my schedule is too tight.

We all prepare ourselves, gear up to sit quietly in contemplation and sit down earnestly to practice regularly and know that there is peace if we focus and concentrate every day. Yet somehow volition and action don’t connect and the early eagerness dissipates with the passage of time. Why ?When one sits down to be quiet , and sit for meditation does the mind take it as a signal to suddenly wreak havoc and remembers at the very precise moment to do something so urgent which requires immediate gratification otherwise life cannot move on. It is the most sneaky and subtle maneuver that nobody notices that we are being sabotaged, literally. If you notice that suddenly you remember all sorts of inconsequential things, chores to do the minute you decide to prepare yourself for meditation, which means the REBEL MIND IS AT WORK.

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