Monday, February 13, 2012

Punjab ...

It does not need a Panthic agenda which invokes religion to save Punjab from ruin from a nationalistic party which has a supposedly hidden agenda against Punjab. Nor does it need a knight in yellow shining armor who has led the masses like the Pied Piper of Punjab leading them to an emotional see-saw. Nor does it need a party who will not keep the plight of the farmer foremost . 
Punjab is on a precipice , one side has a cliff and other a crevasse. One wrong step will end up pushing the state into a deep dark hole . The journey down has already started. MY state, Punjab was the cynosure of all eyes in the country and due to greed, avarice , wrong policies and planning it has spiraled down to a pitiful state where drug abuse and alcohol intake is the highest . The state of whose songs of bravery ,splendor and magnificence was sung has been reduced to a state of weak, spineless men who are committing one of the highest rates of crime on women and who have lost their edge on farming lagging far behind. The state also faces another shameful first ; primary education is a sham. Here, I might like to add that an upright officer did make a dint but due to wrong practices was transferred . We have fought , argued, put forward our cases , have successfully dragged down each others leaders ; bent he loudest in condemning them and leveling charges .What I have observed as an onlooker for the last month on the virtual world and in real life is that we are not ready to give quarter to the other person. We love brandishing( and who better than the Punjabis! ) each others mistakes and loudly claiming as having insider information from 'confirmed sources' about the other party . We love proclaiming as our leader as the tallest . 
My only plea is that we should put aside our common badges of narrowness , and putting labels on our leaders. We chose  them and lets live with that . Punjab needs to be saved from Punjabis . 
Why don't we understand that we gave power to the politicians, bureaucrats ? Duh! last time I looked we did live in a democracy.  We need to solve the problems we face rather than virtually writing statuses and checking into Face book whenever we get a chance. Yes, this is the medium for a revolution. But , till the groundwork isn't done by us , it going to fizzle away like an open can of Coke. 
It's all  about making a difference. Yes , the ground reality is different from what we perceive it sitting in our cushioned rooms;I need to get off my high horse and step away from the rose tinted glasses, but how many of you accept Punjab for what she is? Embrace her with her faults, rather than condemning and criticizing her as a failed state. Yes , we have problems aplenty, are deficit, bankrupt, depleting water resources, cancer scare / reality , failing agricultural scenario and a shrinking industry base , an unseen unheard epidemic where girls are aborted mercilessly but nobody said the ride was going to be easy.
I don't know who the Batman is going to be for this Gotham City all I know is that we still have the Josh to strike back .....

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