Saturday, February 4, 2012

why have we become jaded with life?

When did we become so Jaded with life?

Jaded, we are says, Yoda.

And it is so true . Nothing in life fazes . We all are in the thirty something age bracket where whatever goes around us , leaves us untouched and it leaves us immune to anything and everything.When was the last time you all got affected by death, rape,molestation ,an aborted baby girl found in the dustbin?I am sure you skip the news article and go on to the media section where we would rather read why SRK likes Priyanka Chopra. In fact, even the righteous ones who read this have no answer.
Do we do anything ? No. The paper is read and cleanly folded precisely to adorn the fancy newspaper stand lying in one corner and then put away in the evening by the faithful maid. Life is meant for enjoying, to savor its every moment and to cherish this gift. But we have become so jaded not to be confused with the Chinese stone which is all precious and lucky for life. 
The resolutions so made every new year need to be implemented. We need to slow down in this insanity and have perspective of what is important and what are paramount . In fact life should not be a commercial but to have a longer attention span. We all need to go back to learn from our forefathers literally . Someone remarked the other day , that we all have this nonchalant jaded expression to be the sophisticate' , to shield ourselves from the hurts of life.
When did this transition happen? Why have you adopted a no-care attitude ? Does it mean that being cynical and jaded means we have lived life, seen-it all? Is this attitude been adopted because we have "lived"? Is cynicism essential to survive in this stupidly superficial society ? being jaded is the result of being insufficiently cynical.  
However , I feel that being jaded is worse because that person has then lost the will to live . He or she has no joy from the little simple pleasures of life.  A jaded person is one who has no will or means to change the present situation while a cynic keeps on moaning like a banshee but is constantly searching for the answers !

I hope that we don't get trapped in the fact that being cynical is the lowest form of humor but is the highest form of intelligence.
So what are you choosing ?

1 comment:

  1. choosing between being jaded or cynical is choosing between kua or khai :)

    Very interesting proposition indeed
