Saturday, May 5, 2012

What do Woman want?

 It 's pretty simple. We are not like rocket science that you need deciphering or trying to understand the wiring. There are no set  of instructions which are available in the black market or for that matter available to the select few men who keep the women in their lives happy.
Woman just want what you all want , respect , self-esteem , love and a bit of space. The molly coddling is a bit over rated , some may want it but as I always say it takes all kinds to make this world. just love us, respect us , give us our due , in fact with all the multi- tasking and roles we don we just need acknowledgement .
Men have their sights set high ( coz they are shortsighted u see) they do not women but women who they perceive will suit them . This tussle is what makes both sexes unhappy . Men think women should cater to their needs , at the drop of the hat and be available to their whims and fancies. Men want the ego boost at all times , it's interesting to see men complain or have an imaginary check list where they want their wives/ girlfriends to measure up ; forgetting what they are. If you want her to be looking beautiful, sexy attractive , umm how about measuring up to be the handsome devil ?
Just get real folks, woman want love which grows with time ,is realistic , how long is that sugary sweet dolled up version going to last? Excess of sugar also kills. I think keeping it simple is what matters in the long run.
There have been interesting posts on this , my friend just answered , woman want the moon , and heck yes! Why not ? She deserves that old man in the moon and more . Maybe thats why even God conspired to give us the bigger brighter moon tomorrow. I mean what can mere mortals do , if He intervenes ?
The plasticky , empty headed babe comes with an expiration date . And to answer that woman do not know what they also want , well try her and you would be surprised .
And about the smart guys out there in the world who think we can be deciphered with an app, umm ridiculous. Just imagine , the phone turning a yucky green when you get it right and a lousy red when you don't . You'd fry your phone faster than you can say Rumpelstiltskin . But who am I to argue with the smart man who finds himself included in the WO-MAN .

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