Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You Again !

This goes out to all the people who I know and cannot mention who in the last six months have overwhelmingly supported me in a dream I have. It started with a dream and the best part is that it is blossoming into a beautiful reality. One can never fathom how it starts and how the faith that is reposed in me has helped me translate the dream into a fraction of the reality that I envisage.
It is not about imparting knowledge, I don’t even know how, or what or which way to teach a class that has spiraled to 77. It is not about having a degree behind your name, which gives me a title of an educator. I am just a beggar begging for help. In fact, they are the ones who teach me with the love, the generosity, the trust they have. I actually get amazed that when one contribution is going to finish, another one miraculously comes. It’s a thank you to all those who do not want to be named, who want to be silent and don’t want any mention. Thank you for teaching me humility, no job is too small or big. It is a thank you, full of gratitude to all of you who have openly supported me, my crazy direction to help kids, who all are fierce individuals in their right.
Actually, it is another thank you to the big guy up there who knows it all who has supported me, showed me the way and somehow comes through for me always. Thank you babaji!

Do we take out time to be honest about how we really feel? Never, we all have the onion layers of society, a shy attitude, a what will people say attitude and the worst lack of confidence to spit it out. I have held back many a times thinking and procrastinating and then putting my emotion in a cubbyholes. Reminders to self, clear them away! I watched an amazing movie last night and that also because of a series of coincidences. When the Big Guy plans, then all falls in place. The movie timings weren’t right, and then the particular Hindi potboiler was not showing at that time and then the most acclaimed movie one day before the premiere, Life of Pi!
And, then it coincided all that we do has a predefined purpose in this world. We work, eat play and sleep and do all our secretive, non-secretive acts under his guidance! The movie shot beautifully, with vistas from an untouched virgin Mother earth left me in awe and humble at the beauty the ferocity of the creation, but what was real was the underlying message where one succumbs to His will, surrenders and then conquers.
Isn’t that all what Sufism all about?  A particular line in the movie where Irrfan Khan is asked that how come he is a Hindu, a Christian and A Muslim all rolled into one, so he replies tartly that he is A Jew too! So when asked that doesn’t it cause confusion in the storeys of his mind, he says yes there is but the joy is in surrender.
I wonder how many of us surrender?
Ravneet Sangha.

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