Saturday, December 14, 2013

Resolution vs Reavaluation i confess

I confess. Not to a sordid sexual encounter. But, I confess I failed miserably this year like all the other years. You know, like all my fellow human beings I keep resolutions with all fervor, promise and focus to make myself a better human being (according to all the self help gobbledygook philosophy surrounding us). Every time, I turn on the television, self-help, improvement talks, steps to make myself a better person, to remove all the negativity in me, plus to become healthier, inundate me. I promise if I here, another diet, organic, inorganic, small portions, lean portions, colored portions, dark chocolate, white chocolate, I’m going to go nuts. In fact there is an article today on nuts too!
Oh coming back to my resolutions, I had promised to become a better human being. Being more compassionate, to not abuse, give up coffee, give up bingeing, stop drowning myself in coffee, and to control my habit of going over board on books. In fact, I did a survey amongst my friends on face book, and all of us had failed, left them mid way! One of them had promised him no face book ing (if that is a verb) and he was back on in it! Such was the lure of the siren. Another had decided to give up drinking, according to Google Bhenji /kaur that is the number one resolution worldwide! But, he broke it within a week.
I like my cousins answer , he says be true , be honest and be realistic and as life is a curveball it throws up surprises, and situations that make life better , its better not to have resolutions in the first place. Have faith in God , He has better plans . Be free, be true to your own inner nature and all will unravel according to the bigger cosmic order.
Of course, if I did keep a resolution ,it would lead to revaluation and I wonder if we all ready for that big step……

My inner Voice

Why don’t we ever dream about the dreams we dream about? They all die under the cloaks of responsibility, society, life and are burdened with weighty non existent mind altering situations like what will people say? Have you ever tried to come out of those? India stands truly at the cusp of change. There are millions who are waiting with bated breath to see us fail. They are my own brothers and sisters who have left for greener pastures, what ever their reasons be < I salute and respect them but Sir, don’t dictate what we want to do or how we are driving the country to the dogs.
I am a relative young country of 68 years, the last millions of years of being carved into Bharat, then HIndoostan, then India, I was conquered, plundered, kept under numerous rulers till we gave the world a show our resilience, strength and a taste of our strength. Yes, we won, and we became free. We took giant and somewhat baby step reclaim what is ours. Like all civilizations we go through our upheavals and are slowly finding our way.
What I attribute to this chaos that is giving rise to order is the triumvirate of religion. We have this beautiful mix of the world’s oldest religions, Hinduism, Muslim and Buddhism.
A country that is bathed in the diversity but is inherently one principle has to succeed. India, is a country that has in principle like the ocean that is carving the shores of the land but at different places is cutting in deeper, sharper, softer, and gentler essentially to the same land mass. It all matters on the strength of the wave.
This wave is the consciousness of the human mind. If we all started believing in the power of the mind, and started focusing on our minds to make this country on the righteous path, I believe, no I know with the strongest conviction we can change the tables.
It all takes the power of the common man, and you and I both know Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Rani Jhansi were all as common as they come but it was the conviction of the mind that led them to stand, fight and change the course of the land. Do you have it in you to believe in our dream? Start small, and let it bloom.

Monday, December 9, 2013

A letter to all

The current activist program undertaken by HT is to be lauded but as always there are buts in every sentence in English. I am a resident of rural Punjab, and I run an evening school for the underprivileged children without any bias. You have to understand here that Punjab has an underlying current of racism, a bomb waiting to explode. Apart from that, we as Punjabis are guilty of bias towards the female child. It runs so deep; it is just in our genes. I see it every day. Boys are preferred because they will till the 2.2-acre that they are going to inherit. They carry on the family name. Who in the world is going to remember your family name after you’re dead, burnt and scattered in the holy river?
Well. It does matter and then we complain of the assault, rape, acid attacks by scorned lovers or boyfriends who wont learn the meaning of No. It’s not going to end by awareness, campaigns, write-ups, or protests. Trust me, every day a mother comes to me, saying please tell my son to go to school, without taking bribe money. In a ratio for 60 to 40, every boy child takes money from his mother to go to school. Boys are given preferential treatment, they are fed milk, bananas, given money, and menus are planned according to him. He gets clothes every year. This is reality.
We need to change this mentality. I have mothers asking me to stop their sons, or not abusing them. And, the abuses are crude, rustic and colorful. They learn this from their fathers; they see their mothers being abused and speak in the same fashion. The social fabric is such, that a woman is expendable, replaceable. A woman who dies, is replaceable a brand new wife, a new mother can be bought, surrogacy, second wives, all are fine. Everywhere, a woman is shown as weak, pliable. The worst is the advertisements, where a woman gets aroused, and is sexually in awe of a man who uses a particular brand of deodorant.
The advert making rounds these days is man marking his territory with a perfume, and warning another man. Is he equating himself to a dog? Are we regressing to thee Stone Age?
Sir, start a campaign to change the woman. She needs empowered, she needs to be instilled with confidence, she needs to know that she has the right to be born, and she needs to be given the boost. Till that doesn’t happen, Sir, we will see more acid burns, critical brides, raped women, burnt, killed for a misguided honor.
If she is born lets save her . I mean , we have the largest numbers of Goddesses we worship , lets atleast pay homage to the living entity . Or , maybe man can wait for a Martian to help him procreate and continue the human race…..

Ravneet Sangha

Friday, November 29, 2013

dear Bharatiya nark

Dear Bharatiya Nari,

In keeping with the recent events, like last week, last month, yester day and the year before and the gruesome acts that happen on us in the name of nari’ism and leading on men to be such fiends. I mean they never want to do this to us, but it just happens. Men are such sweet gullible, naïve women; it is us who tempt them leading them on from the first drop of the apple and the fig leaf. Men are such simpletons.

Women, admit it we are the clever ones. Don’t be shy, don’t be modest.
I have list of pointers to avoid rape, sex, molestation, and assault.

1.    Please only eat slowmein, no chowmein.  According to our superior sex, chow Mein releases and makes the blood go faster (please picture noodles swimming in the bloodstream) and thus makes us go bananas. We start running the streets saying rape us, please rape us. Noodles have this effect. Please Note; nothing like this has happened in the Far East, it is just isolated to us Indians.
2.    Women are under the control of mobile phones, the radiation so emitted makes us exhibitionist.
3.    The clothes we wear, skirts, jeans, incites men to tear the clothes to rape us, they can’t help. They nothing better, their mothers never taught them anything better. We need to wear Indian outfits only. No western clothes. Women, start wearing cholis like the devis along with the ghagras or the saris. Apparently they rebuff men.
4.    If you happen to climb the lift with a man, please check it has a camera before hand. Otherwise, men want you to climb stairs only, the cardio exercise; will keep you hale, fit and hearty! Architects please build stairs that go round and round with no dark corners.
5.    If a man is touching you obscenely please, don’t say N o. they understand the opposite. A yes might make sense to their thick skull.
6.    The best one is yet to come, please call him Bhaiya ji chod do , aanchal mera. This works according to the religious pundits. And you guessed it they are men !
7.    Women , if he throws acid, sticks up a bottle up your intestine, wants to kill you , hang you because you didn’t pay the dowry just allow him ,he has to have his way . he is a spoilt brat .
8.    In the end, what ever I have missed , please add to my list .
God , allowed us to be born but Man decided other wise. When will we stop playing God with life and the planet ?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

A famous book , a classic enjoyed by millions with mutli-dimensional angles and moral dilemmas and there is one that is stalking the women of India, my country , my state Punjab, my town, my village and even the by lanes and galliyan. Every town and every house has a horror story to tell that is unheard burnt under the stigma of society its pressures ( self created to hyper status ) , aided by a dead judicial system.
Interesting fact is that we all protest about the crimes and we all speak with such passion and belief that I am transported into ram rajya and the golden era but then the extent of horrific passion we women face. Women if they are lucky are born facing an up hill battle of abortion , rampant selection of sex and unabashed killings of the female child in the womb, then gender discrimination and along the years she faces growing back , eve teasing , sexual groping , and molestation , and further still if she marries, marital rape sometimes, dowry deaths and oh I forgot acid thrown on one’s face if she has the temerity to refuse a male.
A woman is raped, killed, molested, has weird foreign objects inserted in her and what is the explanation is that she asked for it .
Is there a bigger crime than this? My esteemed politicians, my elected representatives have the gall to stand on the dais and proclaim that we ask for it, we eat fast food (thus my genes are running faster), we eat Chinese food  Chow mein , the Chinese now have a valid reason to attack us. We, wear provocative clothes so ‘ you ‘ are compelled to rape us, to touch us wrongly. We use mobiles thus we are free to be raped. All the gamma radiation is making us warped and ready for rape!  What , could be a worse crime than this for us?
Just , because , we are women, are genetically physically aligned different we are raped .
Why can we not accepted as humans?

All , I ask for is acceptance as human being first then we will talk about crime and punishment. My fundamental right as a human being is that I have my space, my individuality to live and breathe in the same air !
The thought that scares me, actually terrifies me is the tomorrow we are conjuring up for the next generation. It is a place where a rapist can go scot free, justifying his juvenile age, where a middle aged politician can grope a lady , get away by apologizing , behind the scene pressure, an editor who was the loudest voice of change assaults a young girl who is daughters age just because he can  and then justifies himself by saying he will take a six month leave  of absence.
Sir, is six months a sentence for the crime? How noble.
 There are untold stories in every nook and corner  and some that are brought into the limelight are mocked with a sentence that is a joke .
Look, behind it could happen to you .