Friday, November 22, 2013

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

A famous book , a classic enjoyed by millions with mutli-dimensional angles and moral dilemmas and there is one that is stalking the women of India, my country , my state Punjab, my town, my village and even the by lanes and galliyan. Every town and every house has a horror story to tell that is unheard burnt under the stigma of society its pressures ( self created to hyper status ) , aided by a dead judicial system.
Interesting fact is that we all protest about the crimes and we all speak with such passion and belief that I am transported into ram rajya and the golden era but then the extent of horrific passion we women face. Women if they are lucky are born facing an up hill battle of abortion , rampant selection of sex and unabashed killings of the female child in the womb, then gender discrimination and along the years she faces growing back , eve teasing , sexual groping , and molestation , and further still if she marries, marital rape sometimes, dowry deaths and oh I forgot acid thrown on one’s face if she has the temerity to refuse a male.
A woman is raped, killed, molested, has weird foreign objects inserted in her and what is the explanation is that she asked for it .
Is there a bigger crime than this? My esteemed politicians, my elected representatives have the gall to stand on the dais and proclaim that we ask for it, we eat fast food (thus my genes are running faster), we eat Chinese food  Chow mein , the Chinese now have a valid reason to attack us. We, wear provocative clothes so ‘ you ‘ are compelled to rape us, to touch us wrongly. We use mobiles thus we are free to be raped. All the gamma radiation is making us warped and ready for rape!  What , could be a worse crime than this for us?
Just , because , we are women, are genetically physically aligned different we are raped .
Why can we not accepted as humans?

All , I ask for is acceptance as human being first then we will talk about crime and punishment. My fundamental right as a human being is that I have my space, my individuality to live and breathe in the same air !
The thought that scares me, actually terrifies me is the tomorrow we are conjuring up for the next generation. It is a place where a rapist can go scot free, justifying his juvenile age, where a middle aged politician can grope a lady , get away by apologizing , behind the scene pressure, an editor who was the loudest voice of change assaults a young girl who is daughters age just because he can  and then justifies himself by saying he will take a six month leave  of absence.
Sir, is six months a sentence for the crime? How noble.
 There are untold stories in every nook and corner  and some that are brought into the limelight are mocked with a sentence that is a joke .
Look, behind it could happen to you .

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