Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy Republic Day 13

Republic Day

The relevance of this day is that it is a holiday, one of the three national holidays where one can sleep in late, catch up the pending chores that have been piled up and this years 26th falls on a Saturday, so making it a long weekend for the government officers, school going children, harassed mothers who try to juggle in careers, home hearth and all.
Men try to squeeze in relaxation and catch up the lost energy so spiraled away in running this rat race. No one is bothered about why what this day is all about .MTV holds these random questions asking the youth what it is all about and the promise of tomorrow comes up with a blank. Honestly!
The glory, the honor and the special patriotic feeling is all reduced to quickly uploading Happy Republic Day quotes via face book, twitter handle or the other virtual sign boards of our times be it BBM or whatsapp messaging.
The fact that we are reduced to a life where it just matters to the virtual identity is indeed pitiful. The parade which takes place in front of the President highlighting, showcasing the might of the Defense Forces is watched with pride, but by how many. The compulsory attendance by the school children and on duty teachers along with the motley crew of politicians. A country which gathers on this day to commemorate the establishment of its constitution is passing through the darkest hours of its history .We are 1.2 billion strong but we suffer lawlessness, corruption, an inefficient system where criminals are left after good time and they still rape again and again. A, country which has reached to this explosive stage by procreation and not by nay other manner still considers sex education taboo. Why do we have men still trying to tell us what to wear, and what not to wear, not carry cellphones, not eat chow Mein (sexual desire instigated by fast food) remain in the villages, know and recite the sarswati mantra when we are being raped and call our tormentors Bhaiya and before I forget not to cross the Lakshaman Rekha.
It gets preposterous by the minute. A constitution is made for all in equality so why do we segregate on the basis of sex, religion, and caste color.
My dear esteemed politicians, this is an open appeal to all of you, please rethink for us as humans first and women later. I don’t see you discriminating when you need votes so ensure our safety for the sake of nothing else but the precious vote. Just imagine, if we all were wiped out, how do you expect the next generation to be born. This is one mystery science will never unravel and nature ensures we do not meddle with her.
See another her. We worship her in our temples even in the courts of justice, let her not be raped, plundered, killed aborted all in the senseless hunger.

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