Sunday, January 6, 2013

Life is not a status message

We all are at crossroads; the doomsday conspiracy came and went. I was even attending a Facebook party thanks to an event created! Life for us has become so trivial, that unless it doesn’t get sensationalized via the virtual media, it just doesn’t affect us. Is it because of tougher skin? I thought we had a thinner upper epidermis thanks to the ozone layer depletion.
Remember the time, when all of us were going to get skin cancer and die? It was such a rage .We all started buying sunscreen as if it was going to finish off the world supermarkets. The hot topic of discussion was the SPF to be used, thinking the higher the SPF the better the coverage. We all have had the same skin coverage as our forefathers; yes depletion has made it worse but is it the cause for so much panic?
Then ladies and gentlemen we went through years of diets, everyone and anyone who had an opinion would quote the Gm. diet, the pure diet, the soup only diet, the eat protein/no carbs diet, the eat every two hour diet, banish the ghee diet, banish the potato diet and the biggest one of all, drink green tea and eat dark chocolate to release the antioxidant diet. Pump the sedentary muscles, chug in the protein mix but hire the three point eight maid to do everything at home. We forgot to be human, and started clamoring for the image. It still carries on sadly. Along the way we have started to alter outlives/lifestyles aping an image so subtly created by media, the virtual world that we all forgot that evolution brought us to be intelligent monkeys.
Barbaric acts, heinous crimes are shaming even the animals of the jungle. Do we change ourselves? Do we make protests and those little noises in polite conversations so that we sound concerned and so right? Does the mindset change?
Yes, the youth has woken up, we are seeing a mass stirring but is that translating into action? Are we still caught up in the drama of blame game, waiting for aliens to come and jolt us out of our self-induced slumber? 
I wonder, why does not the penny drop? I ask a lot of questions. I also implore that every citizen wakes up changes himself first to see the change. Its not going to happen till our mindset doesn’t change within the four walls. This will happen if we educate, teach the next generation. Mothers need to bring down their sons from the pedestal they place them on. Processions, intelligent status updates, pinging on the BBM, what’s app, hash tag # all do impact but limited. The rest of the country needs help starting right now, right next to you, and yes the man in the mirror too.

Ravneet Sangha

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