Saturday, October 20, 2012

Burn Your Inner Demons

Burn Your Inner Demons

Dushera, Diwali is around the corner and we have Navratas carrying on. Everyone says burn your inner demon and exorcise the devil which resides in you in this pious month. In fact the burning of the effigy of Ravan is tantamount to burning the evil that lurks in one self.
How wonderful it would be that we could get away with washing away our sins by burning little voodoo dolls made in our image? Just imagine, the scenario outside one’s house and there is a line of dolls made with crackers in them and then they are set alight!
What would be the scenario in front of the politicians that rule us? Would they do this? It should have been made compulsory by the sages, and priests who set up the precedence of burning the effigies, that anyone found guilty in the eyes of public should publicly burn an effigy so as to vanquish the evil and bad that is in them and also to serve as a reminder that the high and mighty also fall.
We must remember and rise above the false -hood, which cloaks our daily lives. We find that life and the turn that society has taken is just the opposite, we were taught that good triumphs over evil. Good is pure and just and it wins in the end.
It however seems that this is not happening, life is becoming increasingly superficial and we are losing the true meaning and spiritual significance of the festivals.
Worldly success is measured in terms of material objects; possessions and morals are being sacrificed to attain more prestige and false honor.
This season, instead of burning an effigy in the local grounds exorcise the inner demon which lurks in all of us, the one which lusts, is full of avarice, covets, hates and sometimes commits heinous crimes and thinks that the red eyed devil or shaitan is hidden but he or she is within us; it depends what we feed.
I don’t mean go around , burning people but look within and make a conscious effort to get rid of the demon or the shortcomings and grasp the true meaning. Be it dusshera which symbolizes the destruction of Raavan and bringing back cheer and Diwali which marks the return of King Ram to Ayodhya where lights are burnt and crackers are burst.
Both symbolize the triumph of good over bad , and vanquishing evil . Thus this festive season let’s, return to the true meaning of the festival sand not get caught up in superficiality and artifice.
Ravneet Sangha

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