Monday, September 19, 2016

letters to my state -1

Dear Punjab,
I write to you with all the dreams, hopes and aspirations and hope you can resurrect just like the phoenix Fawkes’s from one of my favorite all time great books. I don’t care who comes to power, be it the Congress who claim to be on the lead and they will save the state led by the Captain A. We also have the present government combine, in its second term promising the moon, amphibious buses (a reality now) and more. Then, we have the AAP brigade that promises Mars and the entire galaxy given a chance and then we have the latest Aawaz –e Punjab front that will save Punjab for Punjabis by Punjabis and will deliver Punjabiat.
I write to you on behalf of mothers, fathers worried about what is happening to the state and the present situation.   Raj is a father of three, trying to provide a decent private education to them by making ends meet. He has one daughter who he dotes on and wants to get her out of the rut from just being a housewife and just wants her to be independent (financially). However, last week he comes to work all worried and upset .His daughter was teased in school by senior boys and when the brother tried to intervene, he was also pushed and threatened and was told that they will tease her no matter what.
He went back and complained to his father (naturally) and Raj went to the school authorities to complain and they promised nothing but just platitudes saying that he should ask his daughter to be careful, the environment was like this. Raj, being the concerned father was worried. He doesn’t know what to do.
His relatives say, he is acting too big for his boots, he is giving his children airs and he should have settled for a government schools education, where as his wife says they should take their daughter out from school and as she had done her eighth standard, she needn’t study further but should be married off in a few years.
The system is so inept and full of people who want to pass the buck thinking some one is going to come from an a alternate universe to save them.
We need to find solutions at the ground level , and not at the macro level of the state.
These are the  kind of problems I want you to solve, stop harping about what you will do or selling us the dreams , the politicians we choose fool us like the Pied Piper and then lead us to the sea.


A concerned Parent

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