Sunday, April 15, 2012


The enthusiasm never wavers. They all come in swarms and some who do not want to study or the feel good factor has worn off have stopped coming. Sukhman , my bright 10 year old just wants to do maths.While the twins Bharathi and Nisha are the most competitive of the lot. Bharathi makes all the new original sentences and you can see his mind working and making sentences beyond the ordinary .
I wish I can get them to think and to think out of the box. Their minds have been conditioned to not think  just to write those lines which they have been taught. Association or to cross the boundaries is alien to them.
Finally , have dentists who will take care of their dental hygiene . Yes yes .

It's not even 8 am and they have started to come, I so need my second cup of tea to function but I love the enthusiasm which sucks me in to make them do better , to push them to the next level. Words which I think are common, and known to all are alien to them ,they can spell but what do they mean....zilch. A group of twenty-four is what turned up and I can see a core group formulation who will probably be along with me for this journey but I wonder ....
 Common occupations, word meanings , sentences , a lot of A-Z for the little ones and it was time for me to take out the puzzles! Oh how they loved this surprise. The fact that none of them had ever owned one but loved to piece them together to make their favorite cartoon ( in hindi) and the cars ! I divided them into 4 groups and the fun they had. The team which came first got a gift of temporary tattoos( thanks Rupali) and well in the end I had to give in and give to the rest of the kids. I know , I am a sucker but well thats what I am.
The life offers us simple pleasures we can either seize them or moan and be grumpy to want them to come  toys. you know they just might not know the way . i mean go look for the rainbow , it's out there . 

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