Wednesday, April 25, 2012


70 kids , 2 adults, 3 dentists , 2 madamji's and splitting headache , coffee right now but what an evening.
Thank you so much Dr Bhawan preet, Dr Harman,Dr Supreet.. For you both it was an evening but for me it was a personal achievement as I could convince someone to come over and then take the risk ( monetary wise) to come over to the pind.
 It amazes me that people reach out and help us. The findings of the dentists were interesting, basic hygiene was great , coz' kids here were not exposed to the lavish common lifestyle in the city... no chips, no chocolates, no coke etc. Just regular mid-day meals. Do you know that they do not eat meals at home , just that one meal at school ; so sometimes they faint ....?
Even that they take tiffin boxes and take food back home.  Do i cry or pick up myself and say well lets make a difference?
the kids loved their little presents, their own toothpastes, brushes, mouthwash , the sense of possession and most important the fact they had their own little white slip . It had their name, what was their ailment . You should of seen them, it was a NEW  thing, not old or hand me down and it was just theirs ...
Thank you All.

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